
  import pygeos
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
  !pip install pygeos==0.10.2
  import pygeos
  import geopandas as gpd
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
  !pip install geopandas==0.10.0
  import geopandas as gpd

if gpd.__version__ != "0.10.0":
  !pip install -U geopandas==0.10.0
  import geopandas as gpd
  import pyrosm
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
  !pip install pyrosm==0.6.1
  import pyrosm


  • download from OpenStreetMap all supermarkets inside the bounding box of the city in this point
    latitude: 45.4395
    longitude: 11.09351
  • identify the longest road of the city (state roads, walking routes, motorways are excluded). Please use “unclassified”
  • How many drinking water are in this city?
  • How many benches in this city have the backrest?

download from OpenStreetMap all supermarkets inside the bounding box of the city in this point and

latitude: 45.4395
longitude: 11.09351

import geopandas as gpd
latitude = 45.4395
longitude = 12.3478

find the city

method 1 - reverse geocoding

from geopy.geocoders import ArcGIS
latlon = str(latitude) + "," + str(longitude);
geolocator = ArcGIS(user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Mobile Safari/537.36")
location = geolocator.reverse(latlon)
{'Match_addr': '30122',
 'LongLabel': '30122, ITA',
 'ShortLabel': '30122',
 'Addr_type': 'Postal',
 'Type': '',
 'PlaceName': '30122',
 'AddNum': '',
 'Address': '',
 'Block': '',
 'Sector': '',
 'Neighborhood': '',
 'District': '',
 'City': 'Venezia',
 'MetroArea': '',
 'Subregion': 'Venezia',
 'Region': 'Veneto',
 'RegionAbbr': '',
 'Territory': '',
 'Postal': '30122',
 'PostalExt': '',
 'CntryName': 'Italia',
 'CountryCode': 'ITA'}
city = location.raw['City']

method 2 - spatial relation

from shapely.geometry import Point
point = Point(longitude, latitude)
urlmunicipalities2022 = ''
municipalities2022 = gpd.read_file(urlmunicipalities2022)
muncipality = municipalities2022[municipalities2022.to_crs(epsg=4326).geometry.contains(point)]
3692 2 5 27 227 227 27042 027042 Venezia None 1 4.158927e+08 170837.245485 POLYGON ((780145.784 5049170.898, 780115.597 5...
city = muncipality.COMUNE.values[0]

download from OpenStreetMap

find the boundig box of Venice

municipality = municipalities2022[municipalities2022.COMUNE==city]

Donwload the PBF of Venice from OSM Estratti

url_download_venice_pbf = ''
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url_download_venice_pbf ,"venice_osm.pbf")
('venice_osm.pbf', <http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x7efc48639960>)

find all the supermarkets in the area

import pyrosm

osm = pyrosm.OSM("venice_osm.pbf") 
custom_filter = {'shop': ['supermarket']}
supermarkets = osm.get_pois(custom_filter=custom_filter)
/home/napo/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyrosm/ ShapelyDeprecationWarning: The array interface is deprecated and will no longer work in Shapely 2.0. Convert the '.coords' to a numpy array instead.
  gdf = get_poi_data(
/home/napo/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/ UserWarning: CRS not set for some of the concatenation inputs. Setting output's CRS as WGS 84 (the single non-null crs provided).
(102, 23)
lon version tags id changeset lat timestamp addr:city addr:country addr:housenumber ... email name opening_hours operator phone website organic shop geometry osm_type
0 12.327674 8 {"addr:neighbourhood":"Santa Croce","brand":"C... 443122709 0.0 45.440384 1628972013 None None 1491a ... None Coop Mo-Sa 08:30-20:00; Su 09:00-20:00 None +39 041 2750218 None None supermarket POINT (12.32767 45.44038) node
1 12.200390 2 None 566696229 0.0 45.482265 1258587411 None None None ... None Alì None None None None None supermarket POINT (12.20039 45.48227) node
2 12.208943 1 None 566696230 0.0 45.485161 1258568581 None None None ... None Cadoro None None None None None supermarket POINT (12.20894 45.48516) node
3 12.253382 4 None 617964249 0.0 45.492580 1492417346 None None 43a ... None Spak None None +39 041 5351288 None None supermarket POINT (12.25338 45.49258) node
4 12.324074 10 {"brand":"Conad City","brand:wikidata":"Q57543... 626923862 0.0 45.433987 1603553460 Venezia None 3017 ... None Conad City Mo-Sa 07:30-20:30; Su 09:00-14:00,16:00-19:30 Conad None None supermarket POINT (12.32407 45.43399) node

5 rows × 23 columns

print("there are %s supermarkets in Venice" % supermarkets.shape[0])
there are 102 supermarkets in Venice
array(['Coop', 'Alì', 'Cadoro', 'Spak', 'Conad City', 'Simply', 'Prix',
       'Spazio Conad', 'Despar', 'inCoop', 'Supermercato SISA',
       'Minimarket', None, 'Pam', 'Supermarket "Cadoro"', 'Lidl',
       'Camping Fusina', 'Eurospesa', 'Pam Local Corso del Popolo',
       'Supermercati Maxi', 'Punto Simply', 'Ali Supermercato',
       'Cuore Bio', 'Crai', 'NaturaSì', 'InCoop', 'Alì via Sforza',
       'Alì Supermercati', "In's Mercato", 'A&O', 'L’angolo Giallo',
       'Ballarin Paolo E C. S.N.C.', 'Dolce Bianchi Venezia', 'Interspar',
       'Conad', 'Tigota', 'Aldi', 'Aliper', 'Mega Marghera', "iN's",
       'Eurospar', 'EuroSpin', 'Famila Superstore', 'IperLando'],

identify the longest road of the city

roads = osm.get_network(network_type='all')
Index(['access', 'area', 'bicycle', 'bridge', 'cycleway', 'est_width', 'foot',
       'footway', 'highway', 'int_ref', 'junction', 'lanes', 'lit', 'maxspeed',
       'motorcar', 'motor_vehicle', 'name', 'oneway', 'overtaking', 'path',
       'psv', 'ref', 'service', 'segregated', 'sidewalk', 'smoothness',
       'surface', 'tracktype', 'tunnel', 'width', 'id', 'timestamp', 'version',
       'tags', 'osm_type', 'geometry', 'length'],
array(['pedestrian', 'service', 'unclassified', 'residential', 'footway',
       'tertiary', 'primary', 'cycleway', 'steps', 'secondary',
       'motorway_link', 'track', 'secondary_link', 'primary_link',
       'motorway', 'path', 'tertiary_link', 'living_street',
       'construction', 'rest_area', 'services', 'elevator', 'corridor',
       'bridleway', 'proposed'], dtype=object)

lenght of unclassified and residential togheter

roads_unclassified_residential = roads[(roads.highway=='unclassified') |  (roads.highway == 'residential')]
access area bicycle bridge cycleway est_width foot footway highway int_ref ... tracktype tunnel width id timestamp version tags osm_type geometry length
2 None None None None None None None None unclassified None ... None None None 4438335 1611572910 9 None way MULTILINESTRING ((12.38501 45.42321, 12.38511 ... 538.0
3 None None None None None None None None unclassified None ... None None None 4438345 1611572458 6 None way MULTILINESTRING ((12.38398 45.42382, 12.38346 ... 51.0
4 None None None None None None None None residential None ... None None None 4448298 1399909744 9 None way MULTILINESTRING ((12.36842 45.40751, 12.36896 ... 168.0
8 None None None None None None None None unclassified None ... None None None 4597767 1643983716 17 {"cycleway:right":"no","layer":"1","noname":"y... way MULTILINESTRING ((12.31524 45.44175, 12.31523 ... 39.0
13 destination None None None None None None None residential None ... None None None 4710516 1467135189 5 {"note":"durante i giorni di scuola accesso ri... way MULTILINESTRING ((12.27803 45.50600, 12.27798 ... 67.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
21153 None None None None None None None None residential None ... None None None 1054635814 1650871543 1 None way MULTILINESTRING ((12.24553 45.50209, 12.24560 ... 32.0
21154 None None None None None None None None residential None ... None None None 1054635815 1650871543 1 None way MULTILINESTRING ((12.24561 45.50221, 12.24556 ... 17.0
21164 None None None None None None None None unclassified None ... None None None 1055712580 1651150935 3 {"cycleway:both":"no"} way MULTILINESTRING ((12.29539 45.53549, 12.29539 ... 8.0
21165 None None None None None None None None unclassified None ... None None None 1055712581 1651150947 2 {"cycleway:both":"no"} way MULTILINESTRING ((12.29430 45.53416, 12.29319 ... 87.0
21177 None None None None None None None None residential None ... None None None 1058284862 1652007383 1 {"vehicle:conditional":"private @ (22:00-04:00)"} way MULTILINESTRING ((12.23248 45.48717, 12.23248 ... 137.0

4022 rows × 37 columns

Via Eugenio Carlo Pertini    35
Via Ca' Solaro               23
Via Vallon                   23
Via Colombara                23
Via Evaristo Scaramuzza      21
Via Prete Ermanno             1
Via dei Gradenighi            1
Via dei Mandarini             1
Via Egidio Marcon             1
Santa Maria dei Battuti       1
Name: name, Length: 1461, dtype: int64
names =
array(['Viale Umberto Klinger', 'Via Giannantonio Selva',
       'Via Dardanelli', ..., 'via Caravaggio', 'Via Trento',
       'Santa Maria dei Battuti'], dtype=object)

The best projection for Venice is WGS84 UTM 33N - epsg:32633

roads_lenght = {}
rodas_in_meters = roads_unclassified_residential.to_crs(epsg=32633)
for name in names:
  road = rodas_in_meters[]
  road_lenght = road.length.sum()
  roads_lenght[name] = road_lenght

max(roads_lenght, key=roads_lenght.get)
'Via Litomarino'
longest_road = max(roads_lenght, key=roads_lenght.get)
print("the longest road (unclassified + residential) in Venice is %s and is long %.1f km" % (str(longest_road),roads_lenght[longest_road]/1000))
the longest road (unclassified + residential) in Venice is Via Litomarino and is long 4.9 km

the case only with unclassified

roads_unclassified = roads[(roads.highway=='unclassified')] 
names =
roads_lenght = {}
rodas_in_meters = roads_unclassified.to_crs(epsg=32632)
for name in names:
  road = rodas_in_meters[]
  road_lenght = road.length.sum()
  roads_lenght[name] = road_lenght
longest_road = max(roads_lenght, key=roads_lenght.get)
print("the longest road (unclassified) is %s and is long %.1f km" % (str(longest_road),roads_lenght[longest_road]/1000))
the longest road (unclassified) is Via Litomarino and is long 4.9 km

where is this road?

… we can use with this wizard query

name='Via Litomarino in Venezia'

How many drinking water are in this city?

custom_filter = {'amenity': ['drinking_water']}
drinking_water = osm.get_pois(custom_filter=custom_filter)
array(['drinking_water'], dtype=object)
(181, 15)
lon version tags id changeset lat timestamp addr:street name amenity drinking_water fountain source geometry osm_type
0 12.234090 2 {"check_date":"2022-03-26"} 315040103 0 45.534821 1648284842 None None drinking_water None None None POINT (12.23409 45.53482) node
1 12.324445 5 None 639811824 0 45.437145 1493048539 None None drinking_water None None None POINT (12.32444 45.43715) node
2 12.286287 3 {"access":"private"} 699811494 0 45.520275 1612044310 None None drinking_water None None None POINT (12.28629 45.52028) node
3 12.315189 2 None 1023518847 0 45.427383 1291582192 None None drinking_water None None None POINT (12.31519 45.42738) node
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

How many benches in this city have the backrest?

custom_filter = {'amenity': ['bench']}
benchs = osm.get_pois(custom_filter=custom_filter)
(597, 11)
Index(['lon', 'version', 'tags', 'id', 'changeset', 'lat', 'timestamp',
       'amenity', 'source', 'geometry', 'osm_type'],
array([None, '{"backrest":"yes"}',
       '{"backrest":"yes","note":"still exists?"}',

quick&dirty solution

benchs_with_backrest = benchs[benchs.tags.str.find('"backrest":"yes"') > -1]
       '{"backrest":"yes","note":"still exists?"}',
(279, 11)
print("the total of benchs tagged with the presence of a backrest is %s" % (str(benchs_with_backrest.shape[0])))
the total of benchs tagged with the presence of a backrest is 279
